Christianity / Judaism / Israelism - Principles of Belief
Principles of basic Christian belief
God is a Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) three persons of the one God-head.
The deity of Jesus (Jesus is both God and man).
The sinless life of Jesus (as an unblemished lamb).
Jesus' bodily resurrection.
Jesus' ascension to Heaven, now sitting on the right hand of the Father.
The atonement (sacrifice of Jesus) was required for payment to God for man’s sin.
Personal salvation by faith, the grace of God.
Eternal hell is the place reserved for the unbeliever.
The inerrancy of the Bible (as originally scribed).
God's inspiration of the Bible authors (every word is inspired.)
The virgin birth.
Believe in the second coming of Jesus.
Principles of Judaism (visit:
The widely-accepted list of Jewish beliefs is Rambam's principles of faith. The principles which Rambam thought were the minimum requirements of Jewish belief (from Judaism 101) are:
G-d exists.
G-d is one and unique.
G-d is incorporeal (not physical).
G-d is eternal, past, present, and future.
Prayer is to be directed to G-d alone and to no other.
The words of the prophets are true.
Moses' prophecies are true, and Moses was the greatest of the prophets.
The Written Torah (first 5 books of the Bible) and Oral Torah (teachings in the Talmud and other writings like the Kabala), the Oral Torah usurp the written Torah.
There will be no other Torah.
G-d knows the thoughts and deeds of men.
G-d will reward the good and punish the wicked.
The Messiah will come.
The dead will be resurrected.
Principles of Israelism (Renewed Covenant Yahwism)
YHWH – Yahweh (English transliteration) is the name of the Almighty Creator. He is the Original-originator, and He is eternal. His Universe is eternal and has always existed, it has no boundaries.
Yahweh is incorporeal (not physical). He is a Life-Force Essence that fills His entire Creation.
Yahweh is Ever-Living, has always existed in the past, the present, and will be in the future.
Prayer is to be directed only to Yahweh; to no other G-d, other Power(s) or other mighty one(s).
The words of the ‘tested prophets’ are reliable if they are ‘proven’ according to the Hebrew Bible.
Yahshua (aka Jesus) was a teacher/prophet to First Century Israel. He is not divine, not a G-d, and not G-d the son, he was a son of Yahweh, one of the many sons (and daughters) of Yahweh.
The virgin birth is a myth, a folktale.
The Bible is not inerrant. It is full of man-made mysticism and conjecture. Much of it is NOT inspired. The Hebrew Bible does contain some of Yahweh’s inspired words to the ‘proven tested prophets’.
Yahweh knows the thoughts and deeds of men. He is always in control of His Creation. There are no fallen evil angels (messengers). Yahweh’s messengers deliver His guidance to man by the prophets.
The Covenant (10 Commandments) is the original agreement Yahweh made with ancient Israel, it is also available to all those who desire to keep the Covenant and accept Yahweh as their Almighty Sovereign.
The Torah as found correct in Deuteronomy is NOT Law. The principles in it exist to guide us how to live. There is no ‘Oral Torah’ traditions, laws, or man-made authority that equal or replace those in the Bible.
Personal salvation is by the mercy of Yahweh upon one’s sincere repentance. It comes to all who belief and accept Him as their Savior and who desire to keep His Covenant as Sovereign and Almighty Father.
The Bible does NOT teach that Jesus (real name Yahshua) died for the sins of anyone. Yahweh condemns human sacrifice. Yahshua taught repentance for the Kingdom of heaven was at hand. Yahshua was executed by Rome for the false claimed crime of sedition, not as a sacrifice for anyone’s sin.
The ancient Hebrew-Israelite sacrificial system was developed by corrupt priests from pagan traditions; it was NOT instituted by Yahweh. It led to the eventual destruction of Israel as a National identity. The final destruction of Israel occurred by way of Rome in 70 CE. Israel today remains dispersed over the globe.
Yahweh by His mercy gives eternal life to the Covenant keepers; to all those who live righteously and desire to do his will and accept Him as their Almighty Father, and their only Creator, Redeemer, Savior.
The soul of the wicked unrepentant sinner perishes at death. There is no such thing as eternal hell. The soul of the righteous believer (a member or Yahweh’s Family) lives on forever in the Eternal’s Kingdom.