Holy spirit – is not the third ‘person’ of a Trinity

Why do English translations fraudulently continue the use the pronouns ‘he’ and ‘him’ for spirit?  Some (but not all) translations use the personal pronouns ‘he’ and ‘him’ when referring to the spirit, the holy spirit, or the holy ghost. The question we ask is ‘are these pronouns also found in the language of the original Greek writing or are they added? In order to answer, we must look into the language of the Greek writings. If the holy spirit is not a ‘third person’ of a Trinity addressed as a ‘He’ or a ‘Him’ then the Christian concept of a three-in-one God is also an error and the Christian concept of a three person ‘Trinity’ God in one being must be false.

The following are two example translations of the same Bible passage that take completely opposite positions in their translation of several verses addressing the spirit. Such opposites in translation are a strong indication that one or the other is in error. In these examples we are using the King James Version (KJV) which uses the personal pronoun ‘he’ and the Concordant Literal Version (CLV) which uses the neutral pronoun ‘it.’ We will quote the applicable part of the Greek New Testament (NT) translated sentence from each of them, and then we will check to see what the original Greek language of the same Bible passage actually says.

Test passage: John 14:16, is a good starting place of a passage referring to holy spirit.

KJV ‘.... that he may abide with you forever...’

CLV ‘...that it, indeed may be with you for the eon...’

Greek ‘...that [it] may remain with you into the age.’ (‘it’ is only added for proper English)

Note: This study has shown that the pronoun ‘he’ is absent from the  Greek language of the Bible when used with the word spirit. In the few passages where a pronoun does exist, the pronoun is always relative, meaning the word is actually ‘which.’ In those few cases, the Greek NT would read as follows:

Greek alternate ‘...that which may remain with you into the age.’

Conclusion, these passages in the Greek language of the Greek NT Bible do not contain the pronoun ‘he.’ The CLV is the accurate translation here, using the neutral 'it' but it was added only for proper English.

Test passage, how about: John 14:17.

KJV ‘.... because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.’

CLV ‘.... for it is not beholding it, neither is knowing it. Yet you know it, for it is remaining with you and will be in you.’

Greek ‘.... because it does not see it, nor know it, but you know it, for beside you [it] abides, and in you shall be.

Note: John 14:17, is a good example of faulty (to be nice) but deceptive translation in the KJV. In the above passage, the word translated ‘him’ from the Greek in the KJV is the Greek pronoun ‘auto.’ This pronoun is not the first person masculine pronoun ‘him.’ This pronoun in the Greek language is 3rd person neuter and must for that reason be translated as ‘it.’

This is absolute proof of a deceptive translation in the KJV. It is very easy to verify from the Greek Bible by anyone having a basic knowledge of The Greek language. The KJV is in error, but the CLV is correct and corresponds completely with the original language of the Greek writings. If we took the time to analyze all the other passages using the word ‘spirit’ the same or similar defective translation of the English NT Bible will be found. In the above passages, as in most of the other passages referring to holy spirit, the pronoun is often absent, or if present, it is a relative pronoun like ‘who, which, or that,’ and is always ‘neutral’ as is required for a correct English translation of the Greek text.

There are many other instances in the KJV and other deceptive English translations where the definite article ‘the’ has been inserted in English translations where the passage is referring to a neutral (holy spirit) or when the article ‘the’ does not appear in the Greek text. In our opinion, the absolute worst Bible for all sorts of liberal abuse is the NIV (New international Version) this Bible should be namedNot Inspired Version.’ We have used the KJV here since it is probably the most common English translation, yet it is still full of errors even since 1611, which was the first English KJV translation. One would think they would have corrected it by now and made it a bit more accurate. Inserting the article ‘the’ in the text when it does not exist in the Greek original can also change the entire meaning of the passage by making the noun or pronoun ‘definite’ rather than keeping it ‘indefinite’ as it was in the original Greek text, for example:

Luke 1:35.

KJV ‘.... And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Spirit shall come upon the…’

CLV ‘.... And, answering, the messenger said to her, ‘holy spirit shall be coming on you,...

Greek ‘....And answering, the messenger said to her, ‘holy spirit shall be coming upon you,...

In the above KJV example, the definite article is absent from the original Greek text but has been added by the KJV translators. Also added was the capitalization (indicating in English a noun, (a definitive person, place, or thing). The CLV is correct and corresponds to the Greek text by not adding the article in their translation. The incorrect use of the ‘definite article’ preceding ‘holy’ by the KJV is an attempt to make ‘holy spirit’ into a definite ‘person’ when ‘holy spirit’ is actually indefinite and not ‘specific’ at all in Greek.

These are some examples where the definite article ‘the’ is used in the Greek NT when referring to holy spirit as in ‘the’ holy spirit indicating a specific spirit or a specific ‘holy spirit.’ Without exception, when ‘the’ is used in English translations it is always in the ‘neutral’ gender in the original Greek language. In some cases, the article ‘the’ in the Greek is not distinguished, and can be either masc. or neut. But, in the majority of passages, holy spirit is always ‘neutral’ and does not have a gender assigned to it in Greek, nor can gender be properly applied to air, breath, or wind. Gender is deceptively added only by translators to give personality to holy spirit but this is not supported by the Greek manuscripts and must be rejected.

The word ‘Holy’ in our English NT Bibles translates ‘set-apart’ in the Greek originals. The word ‘spirit’ in our English NT translations is from the Latin 'wind, breath' and translates the Greek word ‘pne-u'-ma’ which literally means ‘blow effect, wind, breath, to breathe.’ This Greek word ‘pneuma’ is where we get the English word ‘pneumatic(s)’ from, all having to do with air. By Biblical application, especially in the Greek writings, the use of the words ‘spirit’ or ‘the spirit’ universally refers to ‘air’ (pne-u'-ma). This word spirit when used is simply an allegorical reference to what is not normally visible to the eye, but where the effects of having air movement can be seen. We have come to see air as causing motion, and it reflects the force of an action on physical elements. In our modern age it provides the ability for flight by huge air machines. In the primitive and even in the present mind, air is an absolute necessity to maintain life; this is true for all breathing mammals. In all the higher breathing life mammals we see that physical ‘air’ is necessary for the body to live, the living body will then also have the means to develop intelligence.

Similar to the Greek word ‘pne-u’-ma,’ the Hebrew word ‘ru’ach’ also literally means wind, and comes from the Hebrew parent root word ‘rach’ meaning a prescribed path.  However, the root word ‘rach’ is not found in the Hebrew text of the Bible, but is defined by several child root words that are derived from it. The meaning of the ‘child’ root word ‘ru’ach’ is literally a reference to a wind that follows a prescribed path each season. By extension, the Hebrew word ru’ach also means the wind of a man (his direction or path). In English translated Hebrew, the word is usually also translated as ‘spirit’ in English. In ancient Hebrew understanding however a man’s ‘ru’ach’ (his direction or path) is not just a spiritual entity, but it is understood by the Ancient Hebrews as his truth character. In this article the character of a man reflects the soul of a man. The soul is the invisible intangible presence developed within the body that defines character.

It is the combination of body + spirit (the breath) + intelligence that is necessary to develop the soul. For Adamic man, when the body dies and the breath (the spirit) leaves at death, the ‘soul,’ when it is fully amalgamated with the invisible ‘Life-Force Essence’ of the heavenly Father will continue on. It is the ‘soul’ (the character, the real essence) that continues on into eternity to become part of YHWH’s family. It is the soul that will dwell in His Eternal Universe in a new form or body after the death of our physical body on earth. The spirit (breath) leaves, and our earthly physical body will simply cease and turn into dust. This is why Yahshua (Jesus) came to First Century Israel, to announce the

 Kingdom of YHWH[1]

 that it had come, that it was there, was available (not observable), but that it will be dwelling within us, the family members of the Father’s heavenly household.

When used with, and/or referring to YHWH[2] (Yahweh) our Almighty, the word ‘spirit’ is actually a reference to the celestial power and influence of the Almighty as manifested by His invisible, intangible presence within the lives of those who are His own (it has nothing to do with air, wind, or breath). When referring to the terrestrial, the word spirit must be considered in strict context of its use. The word ‘spirit’ can be used in many diverse applications in the Bible, such as: spirit of truth, spirit of error, deceptive spirit, gentle spirit, evil spirit, etc., etc. but then always within the Greek Bible of a ‘blow effect, wind, or breath, context. For believers, the soul of YHWH’s family members will become a portion of YHWH’s invisible, intangible, eternal Life-Force Essence.

The words ‘Holy Spirit’ (set-apart – breath, wind, or spirit) have become simple weak and primitive man-made words that attempt to describe what really cannot be described. What man calls the Holy Spirit is the Life-Force Essence of the Mighty Power and the influence of YHWH himself. YHWH however, is not wind, and He is not breath, or air. YHWH is a pure Life-Force Essence. YHWH is without a physical body and without any physical properties needed at all. YHWH is eternal, yet He has revealed Himself to ancient Israel. His Essence has always filled His entire endless Created Universe, that has no beginning or ending. We need to listen to the teachings of Yahshua about the Kingdom of YHWH/of heaven to really understand the ‘Life-Force Essence’ of the Almighty who wants all of us to become a part of His heavenly host, His eternal family.

YHWH is THE ‘Almighty Sovereign Creator Power, the Eternal Original Originator, the Life-Force Essence,’ and He is what Life Is, the eternal ‘I-AM.’ He has revealed Himself through the anointed chosen Prophets of the Hebrew Bible, and also through Yahshua the First Century prophet to Israel as recorded in the Greek Synoptic Gospels. What men think they have observed and labeled as ‘Holy Spirit’ with the use of wind, breath, and blow-effect (for lack of a better description) is THE Life-Force Essence of the One Almighty Sovereign Creator Power Himself, there is no other, and there is none equal. There is no second ‘person’ or ‘third’ person god involved. YHWH is, was, and always will exist. The Almighty Sovereign is not located somewhere in a place called ‘heaven’ (in the air, the sky, or in space above). YHWH is not in a place at all, the presence of the Almighty Sovereign fully fills all of His Creation. All that exists is within YHWH’s entire domain, and it has always been.    

Note:  It is not our intent to evangelize, and we are not an evangelistic Assembly. We do not believe in evangelism, but we do and will present the truth as we see it from Scripture. We are a teaching Ministry. Those who truly seek will find regardless of what we do.

The Greek Bible defines the holy spirit as the Power of the Highest [KJV, NKJ, YLT] or Power of the Most High [ESV, NAB, NAS, NAU, NIV, RSV] Luke 1: 35 - Greek Bible.  Yahweh’s action is a reflection of His Holy Spirit, sometimes appearing physical, but from which ‘all Power that is, exists – and from which all life originates.’ Gen. 2:7; Ps. 33:6. There is no separate ‘third personage,’ a being or entity necessary to emulate the power of the ONE Almighty Sovereign Creator and Life-Force Essence named Yahweh, who is incorporeal since He is the only one Original-Originator of all, and in full control of all that is at all times; He says there is none beside Him, Isa. 45:5-6. The Bible never calls the holy spirit by ‘he’.

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All rights reserved, Assembly of Yahweh, Cascade


[2] The personal proper and True Name of the Almighty Sovereign Eternal Creator Power of all, the ‘Life-force’ of Adam, the progenitor of Abraham, Isaac, and the descendants of Jacob/Israel is ‘YHWH’ (Yahweh) shown transliterated here in English letters.