Israelites vs. Jews
True Israelites are the many millions of people originally formed from the physical descendants of Jacob/Israel who are now living in, and scattered throughout, all the Nations of the globe. True Israelites are not Jews or Jewish and their religion has never been Judaism (the, Anti-Christian, Anti-Yahshua, Anti-Jesus, religion of the Jews). True Israelites are traditional Historical Believer descendants of the first Biblical Israelites. The ancestors (the 10.5 Lost Tribes of Israel) were the Israelites (of the Northern Kingdom) who were exiled from Palestine into Assyria about 745-721 BCE under King Shalmaneser V, these people eventually become a large population, migrating from the Caucasus (the Caucasians Mountains) South-West into Western Europe. These Israelites subsequently become and formed the people of the great Western European, Scandinavian, and British Caucasian Nations. They are known by their family Crests or Banners (flags), and by the National Crests of the various European Nations.
The Southern Kingdom of Yahud, the Yahudim (2.5 tribes, also Israelites), were exiled from the area of Palestine some 200 years later, beginning about 586 BCE by King Nebuchadnezzar and deported into Babylon. Most of them also subsequently migrated from there into the Western European Nations joining and combining with the other 10.5 tribes of the Northern Kingdom of Israel several hundred years later. This migration was fully completed before 70 CE when the 2nd Temple was completely destroyed by Rome. The two branches of Israelite people again becoming one dispersed nation of brothers among all the nations of the globe, i.e. completing the 12 tribes of Israel, but being dispersed they became known as the lost tribes.
As a whole, the people (12 tribes of Israel) who form True Israel (which includes the Yahudim have never returned to the area of Palestine from exile because Israel as a people has far out-grown the ‘Holy Land’ borders several thousand years ago. According to the Hebrew Scriptures, the Israelites of the Scriptures will never again return to the Middle East, because they have become such a huge population of people. Physically, the area called Palestine would be unable to support the vast number of people who now descend from True Israel.
Of the estimated five to six million ancient Israelites that were exiled from Palestine, (less than 49,000) ever returned under Nehemiah from their captivity. This was as prophesied in Scripture, in order to begin the re-building of the destroyed 2nd Temple and the city of Jerusalem. This began about 537 BCE. From this small group of returned exiled Israelites, Yahshua a First Century Prophet to Israel (who some call Jesus) was born. Yahshua was a promised kinsman Messiah, a deliverer of First Century Israel, as prophesied in the Ancient Hebrew Scriptures, and as witnessed by his brothers as recorded in the Greek Synoptic Gospels. Christianity began soon after this Messiah's death, but soon developed into a religion about the Prophet, rather than about what the Prophet taught. Yahshua (Jesus) was a ‘Yahwist’ (a believer in the Hebrew Almighty Sovereign Power named YHWH; Yahshua was never a ‘Christian.’ Yahshua always taught ‘Yahwism’ from the Hebrew Scriptures, the Tan’akh.
It is important to understand, that ‘Yahwism’ (aka Israelism) is the only religion and the belief of ‘True Israelites.’ True Israelites do not adhere to the religion called Judaism, or Jewism. These are the religion of Jews, but not of the True Israelites. Jewism is a religion, which is fabricated from ‘various miss-interpretations’ and opinions of the Ancient Hebrew Scriptures by Jewish (non-Israelite) Rabbi's, following the Roman destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE. The Religion of Jewism is also founded upon Pharisee-ism, and their traditions. It is also mixed with the writings of the Babylonian Talmud, and the Jerusalem Talmud. The Talmud is (a hum-bo-jumbo written mixture of opinions and pagan (non-scriptural) statutes, rules, and regulations developed over the years. Jewism also follows the Kabala, which is Jewish mysticism and also full of the traditions of men. Modern Jewism is a religion which originated about 1,000 CE, and is traced to Rabbenu Gershon of Mainz Germany (the founder of modern Jewism, Judaism) through the publishing of his halachic creativity (creative interpretation of Old Covenant laws). This is also confirmed by the Jewish ‘Jerusalem Post.’ Jewism as a worship system has little to do with the Aramaic, or the Hebrew Scriptures.
Modern Jew-dah-ism has no similarities to the religious system of worship of the Ancient Hebrew Scriptures. It is not the system of worship practiced by the ancient Yahudim (of the southern Kingdom) or by early Israel (of the Northern Kingdom). It is not the religious system of worship which was practiced before the division of the Kingdoms of Israel. It is also not the system of Worship practiced by the Israelites in the 40 years before the ‘Christian’ era.
Even during the life of Yahshua the Messiah, Israelite Yahwism of that time had became a corrupted ‘ritualistic’ system of animal sacrificial worship. It was completely destroyed through the destruction of the city of Jerusalem, and the 2nd temple by the Roman military in 70 CE. This was as prophesied by the prophet Yahshua Messiah in Matt. 24. The Roman Army was used to destroy this corrupt system through the figurative ‘Second Coming’ of the Messiah Yahshua. This figurative ‘Second Coming’ was for judgment on the city, and on the un-believing Yahudim, and those other nationalities remaining in the city including the Edomites, and the Edomite 2nd Temple. The prophesy of Yahshua (about his figurative Second Coming) and the ‘then coming’ destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem began a minor and final Diaspora (scattering) of Israel into Europe. The True Israelites all left the city before its complete destruction. This destruction was known as the (end of the world) i.e. the destruction of the cultic worship system. The exodus of believing Israelites occurred during 32-68 CE, just before the complete destruction of the corrupt religious cultic system of worship in 70 CE.
True Yahwism is the religion of believing ‘True Israelites.’ The Yahudim (residents) of Jerusalem, who did not listen or heed to the prophecy of the Messiah's warning of the coming destruction, were not saved. Most died in the city through starvation; where killed by the Roman's; sold to Egypt, or taken to Rome for various Roman ‘sporting activities’ after their conquest.
The people in the present State called Israel, i.e. the Israeli-Israelis Zionist Jews, and all those who call themselves Jews; who practice the religion called Judaism, are not the ‘True Israelites of Scripture’ and they are not descendants of Jacob/Israel. They are not a Semitic people. Most are a people of Turkish-Khazar-Ashkenazi-Gomer-Japhetic descent (Gen. 10:1-4). This is why many Jews call themselves Ashkenazi Jews. Many other Jews are called Jews simply because they practice a religion called Judaism. True Israelites are people that can be found as the people who formed the Western European, Scandinavian, and British Caucasian Nations. They are also found among the many Caucasian of the globe. They are still known as the lost tribes of Israel because they are no longer a unified Nation with specific borders. Some True Israelites are also known as Christians, following (in error) the teachings of the false apostle Saul/Paul rather than the teachings of the Messiah Yahshua, who was the First Century prophet to Israel. Not all who accept Christianity are physical Israelites. Some are ‘strangers’ that become True Israelites following the promises to them found in Isaiah 56. True Israelites are never called Jews, and have never been Jewish. True Israelites never practice the cultic religious system of the Jews. True blood Israelites are always of the Caucasian white Semitic Adamic race, but the sons of the stranger, or the stranger ‘that join themselves to YHWH’ can be from any branch of the Adamic race of people.
There are no passages in the Ancient Hebrew Scriptures or in the Greek synoptic Gospels that predict, or support the creation of the Modern Jewish State of Israel, or the re-building of a new ‘third’ Temple. The Roman destroyed Edomite Temple was the final physical Temple. In fact, the present Modern Jewish State of Israel is not in Scripture at all, and has no part in any present or future ‘coming Prophesy’ (contrary to the popular belief of many ignorant Christians). The Almighty Sovereign Creator Power ‘YHWH Alueim’ (YHWH God) dwells in the Tabernacle (the tent) or household of the physical bodies of believers. There will never again be a physical Temple of stone and wood, as there was during the days of the Old Moses developed animal slaughtering payment for infractions system.
An important thought, it is also very likely that many of you, who are reading this, could also be a physical descendant of the Family of True Israel. If you are an Adamic Caucasian (of the white Adamic race) of Western European, Scandinavian, or British descent, and you and your family adheres to the Christian faith, you are most likely of True Israel. You may be a true blood Israelite, but your Christian belief is false. True Israelites of all the (12) tribes are now fully dispersed among all the nations of the globe, and the people today number in the hundreds of millions. Truly, 'True Israel' is 'a nation among all the Nations.' If you are not a physical descendant of True Israel, but want to join yourself to the ‘house-hold’ of Israel, read Isaiah 56, and follow what YHWH told Isaiah to record. You must become a believer in Yahwism. See also Exodus 12: 43-49.
The Jewish State of Israel and the right of Jews to live in Palestine is not based on the hypothetical physical origins of the Jewish people (because they are not of (Jacob/Israel). Judaism is not based on the covenant of Abraham with Yahweh (God). The right of the Jewish State called Israel to exist in Palestine is based only on international law -- i.e., on the United Nations' decision in 1947 to partition Palestine, previously a Turkish province, then a British Mandated Territory, into an Arab/Palestinian and a Jewish State. This world (U.N.) action displaced the then inhabitants of Palestine, the Palestinian's, and gave a large portion of the land they were dwelling in to the new people group called Jews (i.e. Khazar-Turks) who have no historical claim to the land, except that it was at one time under the control of the Turks, as it and been under the control of many other people groups thousands of years before.
The word Palestine is synonymous with the Scriptural word Philistia, of the historical people living in this land before Israel captured it under Joshua in around 1440 BCE, who were mostly Philistia’s, (people of Philistia). A Palestinian (or Philistine), is a resident or inhabitant of Palestine (Philistia). Only the current Palestinians have a physical claim to the land of Palestine. As a people, they bear the name of their historic land. Modern Jews have no historical physical claim to the land what-so-ever, and did not exist as a religious group until about 1000 CE. True Israelites no longer have an historical claim to the land either, since 'True Israel' was prophesied never to return to Palestine, and will remain dispersed among the Nations. True Israel has become the un-numerable (hundreds of millions) descendants of Abraham, and the Nation within the Nations) that was promised to Abraham by Yahweh.
Note: Even today, the people who call themselves Jews only number about 14+/- million worldwide. True Israel, however, cannot be numbered as promised by Yahweh to Abraham!
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