Names and words you should know [1]
has morphed into a false Religion because their basic Christian
beliefs are no longer based solely upon what the Scripture teaches.
Christianity no longer recognizes the name of the Almighty Sovereign Creator of
all as revealed to us in the Scriptures. The Almighty’s name was clearly taught
to us by the Prophet Moses of the Hebrew Scriptures. If we truly believe that
we are to obey the Scriptural precepts, then we are to call on His proper name YHWH (pronounced as ‘Yahweh’ in English) Exodus 3:15; Isaiah
12:4; Jeremiah 10:25; Psalms 105:1-3; and we are to make His Name known to all
true believers, Exodus 9:16; Isaiah 64:1-2; Exodus 39:7. We must not obliterate
or forget His Name, Deuteronomy 12:3,4; Isaiah 65:11; Jeremiah 23:27; Palms
44:20. Yahweh is the life-force Essence (heavenly Father) of all that exists
and will ever exist. His proper name when transliterated into English is
Yahweh. Yahweh’s name means ‘He-is, He-exists, or Ever-living’. To those
that keep His Covenant, and follow His precepts he is their ‘Heavenly Father’.
We must however be careful as to how we are saying His name among unbelievers,
or in the general public; then referring to Him as ‘Ever-living, Almighty, or
Creator’ would be better.
Substituting the proper Name Yahweh with the word ‘LORD, lord, or God’ as is done on a regular basis by many Christians, and as can be found in many English Bible translations is wrong. To do this is completely against the following Scriptural mandates:
1) It is a transgression of the 3rd Commandment, which prohibits us from bringing His Name to futility, or falsifying it. Deuteronomy 5:11, You shall not take up the Name of Yahweh your Almighty-One for futility, for Yahweh shall not hold innocent him who takes up His Name for futility.
2) It is a transgression of the command in Deuteronomy 4:2, You shall neither add to the word that I am enjoining on you, nor shall you subtract from it, but observe the instructions of Yahweh your Almighty-One that I am enjoining on you.
3) Yahweh reproves the prophets in Jeremiah 23:36, You shall not mention the message of Yahweh again, for that message is for the man entrusted with His word; but you have perverted the words of the living Almighty-One, Yahweh of hosts, our Almighty-One.
4) Using the word ‘LORD’ is not an innocent substitute title. It is NOT a replacement word for the proper name Yahweh. ‘LORD’ is traced back to the Roman house-deity, and further back to the name of an Etruscan Sovereign named Larth.[3] In those early days 500 +/- BC, the Etruscan Sovereigns were considered deities. Using the word ‘Lord’ as a reference for Yahweh is a transgression of the Command of Exodus 23:13, You shall beware of all that I say to you. And the name of other Mighty-Ones you shall not mention; let it not be heard coming out of your mouth.
The Greek word ‘kurios’ has the proper meaning of Power or one with authority, but it is often translated into ‘Lord.’ However, the English word ‘Master’ or ‘Teacher’ is a much better substitute word-meaning to replace the word ‘Lord’ where ‘kurios’ is used in the Greek New Testament.
The word ‘God’ is one of those often deceptively ‘translated’ replacement words. The word ‘God’ is a bad substitute for the Hebrew word alueim or elohim which has the plural meaning of mighty-ones. When used in English translations the word alueim is often rendered as ‘God’ or ‘gods.’ However, alueim is the plural form of aloah or eloah in singular form and it has the basic meaning of a mighty-one. When translating alueim plural ‘as gods’ or aloah singular) as a ‘god’ we can get a very deceptive meaning, since the translated word ‘god(s)’ or ‘god’ does not always mean deity or ‘Almighty’ when used in Scripture. The translated word ‘god’ could also refer to power(s), Judge(s), angel(s), and even idol(s), see Exodus 7:1; 9:28; 12:12; 22:8,9; Psalms 8:5; 82:1,6; (the word god is also often used improperly to refer to the Almighty). By proper translating the word ‘god(s)’ as Mighty-One(s) we will have a more accurate Scriptural meaning. There are a few exceptions where the translation of ‘Mighty-One’ (singular) or ‘Mighty-Ones’ (plural) may be more appropriate depending upon a plural verb in the sentence, or when proper context appears that the singular word is implied.
For those using the English language, the proper name of any Scriptural individual should not be just ‘translated’. It should always be transliterated or transcribed in order to closely approximate its original pronunciation. This is especially important with Scriptural Hebrew names which often have very specific-compound word meanings. Using English there is NO need to adulterate the special critical Scriptural names by substitute words like ‘Lord, LORD, or God’ all of which have pagan connections or adulterated forms.
The name ‘Jesus’ is also an adulterated name coming through several translated languages. When using the English language it is always necessary to transliterate the false name Jesus into the proper Hebrew name Yahshua [4] (Yahshua or Yahushua) which is the proper Hebrew name for the prophet. Yahshua has the important Hebrew meaning of ‘Yahweh-Saves’. The name ‘Jesus’ has no meaning at all. All available authoritative sources and references are in agreement, and clearly admit that the Christ (anointed) of the Greek New Testament had the Scriptural Hebrew name Yahshua, See for instance Kittel’s Theological Dictionary of the New Testament under Iseous. Although there is a little difference in pronunciation, where some believe it could be ‘Yehoshua’, we believe it should be ‘Yahshua’ since the Hebrew name contains the short form of the name of the Father ‘Yah’ (Yah-shua) that stems from Yah + shua (savior).
Yahshua is the proper name of the prophet revealed in the writings of the New Testament, who was sent to the dispersed tribes of Israel, Matthew 10:5-7; 15:24. He preached repentance as his primary message to First Century Israel - that the ‘Kingdom of heaven/of Yahweh’ was at hand, see Matthew 6:4; 17, and John the Baptist taught the very same thing, Matthew 3:1-2. The message meaning was to repent and seek the Almighty for your salvation and for council, and to reject the man-made Pharisee traditions. The message of the New Testament prophet Yahshua is also revealed through his Hebrew name Yahshua. As already noted and repeated, when transliterated into English ‘Yahshua’ means ‘Yahweh-Saves.’ This most important meaning of Yahshua’s name is completely obscured with the adulterated name ‘Jesus.’ If you want to be a true ‘believer’ shouldn’t you follow Scripture by using the proper transliterated names?
[1] This document is intended for those that recognize the Hebrew Scriptures as the foundation for their belief. For all others, be aware that much of Christianity no longer follows the Hebrew Scriptures, but has replaced many of its teachings with the opinions and conjectures found in the letters written by the Pharisee Paul/Saul who never met Yahshua (Jesus), and those letters written by others falsely using his name.
Christianity has mostly ignored the teachings and sayings of Yahshua (Jesus) as was recorded in the Synoptic Gospels, replacing many with those found in the suspicious second Century Gospel called John. Note: The Gospel named John often counters the sayings of Yahshua found quoted by him in the Synoptic Gospels. We believe the Synoptic Gospels are more dependable when quoting Yahshua than the writings of Paul/Saul or the Gospel called John. - beliefs are based upon the Hebrew Bible.
[2] One of the post-exilic-apostasies of Orthodox Yahudaism was the avoidance of the Name of the Almighty, the so-called Tetragrammaton (the four lettered Name) hwhy)). Because of this, and subsequent suppression and substitution by the Christian church, much harm was done to the true worship of the Almighty. Because of this we got the replacement word LORD, and the often used word to denote a unknown entity God. The name of the most important Essence in the entire Universe should never be replaced, or adulterated.
[4] The short form ‘Yeshua’ť is developed from Post-exilic Yahudi Apostasy, in their attempts to eliminate the name of the Father from name of the prophet in the New Testament and should not be used by the Scriptural believers.
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