Son(s) of God in the Bible, are they now deity?

The word 'God' does NOT exist in the original Hebrew or Greek Bible. Yet, there are a lot of individuals that are called 'sons of God' so what does that mean?? The English word 'God' when it is used in English Bibles is a translated word that substitutes for the original Hebrew word 'alueim' and the original Greek word 'theos'. The Hebrew word 'alueim' has the meaning of mighty-one(s), and the Greek word 'theos' refers to a deity, but not a specific deity. The word 'God' is a very poor word to use in English Bibles to translate the Hebrew word 'alueim', because the vernacular of the English word 'God' has become solely connected to refer to the Almighty Sovereign Creator. The English word 'God' when used as a translated word does not have the same meaning as the Hebrew word 'alueim' meaning mighty-one(s) in the Hebrew Bible.


The title 'Son of God' (deity) was attributed to Yahshua (Jesus) in the New Testament (NT) but mostly by others. So is Yahshua a son of God? Yes, but he is NOT God the son. Yahshua called himself the 'son of man' some 85 times. The phrase 'son of God' is also attributed to many others in the Hebrew Bible (OT), but none of these individuals have become deities, and non are a part of a trinity God. The word 'God' is used in many English Bible translations because the translators simply ignore the correct meaning of the Hebrew word which means 'mighty-one(s)'. Therefore, when we see the designation 'Son of God' in many English Bibles it does NOT mean that the one given that title is now considered to be Yahweh's (The Almighty's literal sons). The collective people of ancient Israel for example, were also called 'My son' by the Almighty Sovereign Creator Himself, even 'His first born', (Exo. 4:23, 23), but that was not literal, it was a designation, since the collective Israelite tribes in no way became deities by that designation given by the Almighty.


It is clear, that the 'son-ship' designations where used in the Bible, are metaphoric because the 'son(s) of God' were appointed, selected, designated, or decreed to have such a title by the Almighty Himself. Furthermore, all these sons are celestial and/or terrestrial, therefore they are all created beings, and none of them is a deity (a God). This is in contrast with Yahweh the Almighty Sovereign Creator, who is an incorporeal Essence (He is not physical), He is Ever-existing.


Throughout the Hebrew Bible, the Almighty Sovereign Creator Yahweh manifests Himself through His created beings. In other words, Yahweh uses His celestial and/or His terrestrial messengers, which can be angelic or human, (all of them created beings) as instruments through whom He relates to or communicates with, His physical created beings throughout His endless Universe. Because of His Essence and glory, it is our opinion that it is not probable, likely, or even possible for the Almighty Sovereign Creator to physically reveal Himself to His created beings, except by way of his created celestial and terrestrial representatives.


Adam was the Son of Yahweh. '. . . Adam, which was the son of deity. (Luke 3:38) a simple designation.


David was the Son of Yahweh. 'I will declare the decree: Yahweh has said to me, you are my Son; this day have I begotten you. (Psalms 2:7) decreed use.


Solomon was the Son of Yahweh. 'He shall build me a house, and I will establish his throne forever. I will be his father, and he shall be my son' (Chro.1 17:12, 13) a selected or appointed use.


The writer of Luke gave this title to the angels (celestial messengers) because the use of it was quite common. 'For they are equal to the angels; and are the children of deity(Luke 20:36) all created beings.


Others are named in passages as 'sons of Yahweh' or that 'Yahweh is their father'.  The disciples were 'sons of Yahweh', but none said that 'they' became deity. 'But go to my brethren, and say to them, I ascend to my Father, and your Father; and to my deity, and your deity.’ (John 20:17) in a simple metaphorical use.


‘Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.’  (Matt. 5:48) this is metaphorical use.


The collective Yahudi people believed themselves to be the Children of deity. 'They said to him, 'We were not born of sexual immorality. We have one Father--even deity.’  (John 8:41) this is metaphorical use.


In Matthew, Mark and Luke, we also see a clear case of appointment, 'Behold, a voice out of the heavens said, 'This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.’ Matt 3:17, 17:5; Mark 9:7; Luke 9:35, by appointment Yahshua (aka Jesus) became a son of Yahweh, a designation, just like David was.


We can see that this phrase 'son(s) of God mighty-one' in Hebrew or 'son(s) of deity' in Greek, when used, are in all these cases metaphorical. When English Bible translations use the translated word 'God' for the Hebrew word 'Alueim' which has the meaning of mighty-one(s) it can completely confuse passages, by making them false. The word God cannot properly connect to Yahweh in every case, since the Almighty Sovereign Creator is NOT physical, he does not have literal physical sons.


‘Now there was a day when the sons of God (mighty-ones) came to present themselves before Yahweh.’  (Job 1:6) This is simply a metaphorical use in an ancient Hebrew folktale. Many English translations use the false term 'God' instead of the correct term 'mighty-ones' for this passage. Nothing in the book of Job actually happened, it is a folk-tale with a message, that the Almighty Sovereign will bless a man who remains steadfast in his belief, even in adversity.


A false use of the word 'God' can also be seen here: 'And it came to pass after these things, that God (mighty-one(s) did tempt Abraham, and said unto him, Abraham: and he said, Behold, I am here'. Gen 22:1  'And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of,  Gen 22:2.


Question, does the Almighty Sovereign Creator of all tempt anyone? No. (James 1:13). Does he require human sacrifices? No. (Jer 7:22; Isa 1:11, 12). Therefore, the use of the word 'God' translated for the Hebrew meaning of mighty-one(s) in the passages of Gen. 22:1-18 is a false application and does not represent the Almighty Sovereign Creator.


Here is another example of a false use for the translated word 'God' in English Bibles. 'The sons of God (mighty-ones) saw that the daughters of adam-kind were attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose. When the sons of God (mighty-ones) came in to the daughters of adam-kind and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renowned (having a reputation),’ (Gen. 6:2-4). The fact is these were not sons of 'Yahweh' they were sons of unknown 'mighty-ones' (NOT of a deities).


Christians cannot take the passages referring to Yahshua's divinity, and then ignore the same 'son(s)' connection that others had like Adam, David, Solomon and the others in the Bible who were also called or designated to be 'sons of the Almighty-one'.


Finally, as Yahshua was designated a 'son of the Father' (Matt 3:17, 17:5; Mark 9:7; Luke 9:35), so are all those that likewise also do the will of the Father, for Yahshua himself is quoted to have said, 'whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother,’ ( Matt 12:50 ). If those that do the will of the Father are designated to be Yahshua's siblings (as per Yahshua's recorded words) they must also have the same 'heavenly Father' (metaphorical use of course), none became deity by designation.


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