Statement of Basic Beliefs, XXXXX Christian Training School

With Comments and Biblical Corrections made by


1. GOD:

There is one God, Creator and Lord of the universe, who exists eternally in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. These three persons are equal in power, glory and divine perfection, and are worthy of worship and obedience.

Israelism Comments/Corrections:  Yes, there is only one ‘God’ (and according to the Hebrew Bible) He is named YHWH (Yahweh).[1] He is the Creator of the Universe, but He does not exist in three persons, this belief is pagan. It was the First Council of Nicaea in the fourth century 325 AD that declared there were three persons in a Trinity God and that the three are equal. However, the Almighty Yahweh Himself in the Hebrew Bible is quoted as saying: I am Yahweh, and there is no one else. Besides me, there is no Mighty-One. [2] I will strengthen you, though you have not known me; that they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is no one besides me. I am Yahweh, and there is no one else.’ Isa 45:5-6. et al.



The Bible, consisting of the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments alone, is self-attesting and, being Truth, requires our unreserved submission in all areas of life. Uniquely and fully inspired by the Holy Spirit, the Bible is the supreme and final authority on all matters on which it speaks. It is the inspired, revealed, inerrant word of God, and is our full and final authority, sufficient in all matters of faith and practice.


Israelism Comments/Corrections:  Yes, today we have been given only 66 of the many documents that were available and these books that remain were sifted ‘for our benefit by others’ who on their own decided which ones we are to use in their approved Bible. Thirty-nine books are passed down to us from the Hebrew writings, and twenty-seven were passed down to us (from the many available) Greek writings, all the Greek writings were compiled by the Constantine Roman Catholic Church. All of what is written in them is subjective, since over the years the information provided has been edited, revised, and changed as needed, often to direct us into a religion built upon their private beliefs and pagan opinions. The sum of what is left to us may be used at our discretion, and is subject to review and proofing, but the Greek writings are considered to be the only documents that contain the information that we are supposed to believe. Everything written in the Greek NT was written at least 20-40 years “after” Jesus walked on the earth, therefore all is hearsay.

The Hebrew Bible is mostly ignored and labeled as ‘Old’. Some of the information in the Hebrew writings is claimed to be inspired by the documented author(s) but none of the information in the Greek writings is claimed to be inspired. Much of both the Hebrew and Greek writings was written by unknown authors. There are many documented errors throughout all the Bible Books. Since we do not have any original documents, what we do have cannot be considered as the ‘inerrant word of Yahweh’.Taken as a whole however, when using logic and common sense, we can find Yahweh’s precepts (at least throughout the Hebrew Bible) to aid and lead us toward righteous living and to be in harmony with our Almighty Creator.


All men and women are created in the image of God with equal and inherent value and dignity, yet through Adam’s disobedience and our own personal choice, we are sinners, alienated from God, under his condemnation and wrath, and thus in need of redemption. Men and women are also created in complimentary distinctiveness, which ought to be reflected and observed in the family and the church.


Israelism Comments/Corrections:  The Hebrew actually says that ‘Adamic man’ was created in the ‘shadow’ of the Alueim (Mighty ones), i.e. members of the heavenly host. The Bible says nothing about men and women having equal inherent value and dignity with God, (the Almighty Creator). The Hebrew Bible teaches that the Almighty Creator is incorporeal (has no physical body) and He is solely in control of everything at all times. He is omnipotent, omnipresent, all powerful, and exists throughout His entire created universe. The Almighty is also referred to as ‘Holy Spirit’. The Hebrew Bible does not state anywhere that would suggest that the sin of one person could be passed on to another. It does teach however, that each is responsible for their actions, and will be judged accordingly, Ecc. 12:14, Jer. 30:31. Yahweh is also the only redeemer of true Israel, and of all those that accept Him by their action of repentance, righteousness and subsequent faithfulness. Isaiah 1: 16-18, 44:24; 56. ‘They remembered that Mighty-One was their rock, the Most High Mighty-One, their redeemer’. Psa.78:35. et al.



Jesus Christ, fully God and fully man, was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin, lived a sinless life and died in the place of sinners on the cross, thereby accomplishing redemption by bearing the punishment and wrath for all who believe in him. He rose bodily from the dead and ascended to heaven where, as the only mediator between God and man, He intercedes for his people, and from where he will return in power and glory.


Israelism Comments/Corrections:  There is only One Almighty, there is no ‘God man’.Jesus’ (real name – is Yahshua),[3] he is not God the son, and never claimed he was. He did claim he was the son of man. Yahshua was born of a woman in the natural way, (Gal. 4:4). The virgin birth stories are late additions to the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. They do not exist in the oldest Gospel of Mark, or in the writings of the Pharisee Paul/Saul. Jesus did not claim he was better than any other or even good, see Matt. 19:17. Jesus was executed for sedition against the Romans and the Yahudi authorities, Matt. 12: 14; Matt. 22: 15, and for calling himself the King of the Yahudi, Mark 15: 2. Jesus was never a sacrifice for sin since human sacrifice is forbidden by the Almighty and not required for salvation, Psa. 40: 6; 51:16-17, Jer. 7:21-24, 31; Amos 5:21-24; Micah 6:6-8. The Covenant was renewed by Yahweh and is now dwelling within His people. There is no need for a mediator or a priest ‘between Yahweh’ and those that accept Him, Jer. 31: 33-34. NOTE: In the Hebrew Bible, the anointed prophets were the mediators between Yahweh and the people. This system was eliminated along with the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD, through the Roman Military. Nothing in the Greek Bible says that Yahshua will return some 2,000 years + in the future. Such prophesy has no value to those hearing the message. A prophesy is only valid for one Generation (40 years is Hebrew Generation).


The gospel is the articulable message of the historical facts of Jesus’ life, death, resurrection, and ascension. This message is the power of God unto salvation. While the effects and implications of the gospel, when believed by a person, will work themselves out in that believer’s life, these effects are not themselves the gospel. The gospel must be verbally expressed (preached in Rom. 10:14) in order for sinners to (hear) and be saved; all other expressions of the gospel,”visual, theatrical, etc.” are secondary to this primary means.


Israelism Comments/Corrections:  The Gospel (good-news-message) was not a message about Yahshua, his life, his execution, or his resurrection, or his coming so-called coming Kingdom. The Gospel message that Yahshua was sent to deliver to the people of Israel of the First Century, was the Gospel of the ‘Kingdom of Heaven/of Almighty’, that it was at hand,  Matt. 4:17, 23; 9:35. It was a message about the Kingdom of (Yahweh), Mark 1: 15.  It was Not a Gospel about the coming ‘Kingdom of Yahshua.’ The message of Yahshua was for the people to repent and to believe in the ‘Gospel of the Kingdom of Yahweh’.The message of the Kingdom was being fulfilled at their time. That message also came with a warning from Yahshua: ‘Not everyone who says to me, Master, Master, will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven’, Matt. 7:21. And also: Everyone who hears these words of mine, and doesn’t do them will be like a foolish man, who built his house on the sand, Matt. 7:26. The rain came down, the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat on that house; and it fell and great was its fall’, Matt. 7:27.



Salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone in Christ alone. It has been accomplished by Jesus Christ, and is offered to all in the proclamation of the gospel. All who repent and believe are forgiven, justified, and made new creatures in Christ. They are born of the Holy Spirit, sealed by the Holy Spirit, and receive the gift of eternal life and adoption into God’s family.


Israelism Comments/Corrections:  The name Jesus (Yahshua) declares and means that ‘Yahweh is savior’.  Yahshua was asked a direct question about salvation . . . ‘good teacher, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal Life?  Mark 10:17. Yahshua replied and said, ‘Why do you call me good? No one is good except one, Yahweh.’ Mark 10:18. You know the Commandments:  Do not murder, Do not commit adultery, Do not steal, Do not give false testimony, Do not defraud, Honor your father and mother, Matt. 19:16-17; Mark 10:19; Luke 10:25-28. The point being, salvation is not by grace, or through faith alone, and NOT in Christ alone, James (Jacob) 2:19-20. Salvation comes from the mercy of Yahweh, through sincere repentance and a return by the sinner to righteous living and the keeping of the Commandments, in other words, ‘Salvation comes by faithfulness’. In the Hebrew Bible it says: ‘Seek ye Yahweh while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near; Let the wicked forsake his way, and the man of iniquity his thoughts; and let him return unto Yahweh, and He will have compassion upon him, and to our Power, for He will abundantly pardon. For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, saith Yahweh’. Isaiah 55:6-9. et al.



The Holy Spirit has been sent from heaven to glorify Christ and to apply his work of salvation. He convicts sinners, imparts spiritual life and gives a true understanding of the Scriptures. He indwells all believers, distributes spiritual gifts, brings assurance of salvation and produces increasing likeness to Christ. He builds up the church and empowers its members for worship, service and mission.


Israelism Comments/Corrections:  We have already been shown in comments above that the Bible teaches that there is only ONE Almighty Sovereign Creator and Life-Force Essence, and what His name is. The Hebrew Bible teaches that the Almighty Creator is incorporeal (has no physical body) and He only is solely in control of everything at all times. He is omnipotent, omnipresent, all powerful, and He exists throughout His entire created universe. This Almighty is also referred to as ‘Holy Spirit’, a word in common use. This word simply represents Yahweh’s active power, and force, and reflects His action as is evident throughout creation, and is demonstrated among His family of believers. The Bible defines the holy spirit as the ‘Power of the Highest’ [KJV, NKJ, YLT] or ‘Power of the Most High’ [ESV, NAB, NAS, NAU, NIV, RSV] Luke 1:35 - Greek Bible. Yahweh’s action is a reflection of His Holy Spirit, sometimes appearing physical, as air, but from which ‘all Power that is, exists’ and from which all life originates’.Gen. 2:7; Ps. 33:6. There is no separate ‘third personage’ a being or entity necessary to emulate the power of the ONE Almighty Sovereign Creator and Life-Force Essence named Yahweh, who is incorporeal, since He is the only one Original-Originator of all, and in full control of all that is at all times; He says there is none beside Him, Isa. 45:5-6. The Bible never calls the holy spirit by the pronoun ‘he’ because the word ‘spirit’ in the Bible refers to ‘air, breath, wind.’ The word ‘spirit’ is only correctly rendered with the neutral word ‘it.’


The Church is the one holy and universal body and bride of Christ. Composed of all who are redeemed through the work of Christ, she is called to worship God and to witness concerning her head, Jesus Christ. The local church, which is the visible yet imperfect expression of the church universal, proclaims, values, and submits to the whole counsel of the Word of God, administers baptism and the Lord’s Supper as signs of the gospel, and exercises spiritual authority to care for her members and fulfill her mission of making disciples of all nations. Unity is expressed within and between churches by mutual love, care and encouragement. True fellowship between churches exists only where they are faithful to preach the gospel and live out its effects.


Israelism Comments/Corrections:  The word ‘Church’ does not exist in the Bible. It is an English substitute word for the Greek word ‘Ecclesia’.This word is a compound Greek word from (Ek=out) and (Kaleo= to call). In English the meaning would be an ‘out-calling’ i.e. those believing members of the house-hold of Yahweh, called out to serve Him as their Almighty Sovereign. There is no body or bride of Christ, or members ‘redeemed’ through his work.The ‘out-calling’ can however be those that believe in the words of Yahshua, who have repented, and have become faithful members of the Kingdom of Heaven/of Yahweh. Those doing the will of the Father also become brother and sisters of Yahshua, Matt. 12:50. They are like Yahshua sons and daughters of the Yahweh.


Baptism and the Lord’s Supper have been given to the church by Christ as visible signs of the gospel. Baptism is a symbol of cleansing from sin, union with Christ, and entry into his Church but does not impart spiritual life. The Lord’s Supper is a commemoration of Christ’s sacrifice offered once for all. All its blessings are received by faith.


Israelism Comments/Corrections:  Baptism is an ancient religious (Israelite) practice and is a symbolic cleansing of sin (after repentance) and the commitment to accept the counsel of Yahweh, along with the return and commitment toward the keeping of Yahweh’s will. It was practiced in the Hebrew Bible by immersion and in the Greek Bible as administrated by the Prophet John and Jesus. It is NOT magic. Baptism is a personal commitment before witnesses to do and is an outward expression of one’s faithfulness and commitment in the presence of others, before Yahweh. Baptism is only done before Yahweh as a commitment, or a re-commitment to Him. It cannot be done in the ‘name of the Father the son and the holy spirit’ which does not use a name. Baptism is an act done after a public repentance to Yahweh, with a commitment toward worshiping and toward serving Him only.

Israelism Comments/Corrections:  The Lord’s Supper. Christianity has developed the ancient Israelite Passover commemorating dinner into a cultic ritual that approximates cannibalism. This is now being done to ‘celebrate the death of Yahshua on the cross as a blood sacrifice’, a payment for sin as was practiced in the ancient Yahudi Temple System. By many today, the wine is by magic presumed to become the blood of Christ, and the bread the broken flesh of the body of Christ. This has become a cultic pagan practice - because the eating of (or drinking) of blood’ and human sacrifices are forbidden by Yahweh. In fact, sacrifices of any type were never required by Yahweh to receive forgiveness, Isa. 1:11-15; Jer. 7:21-24, 31; Psalm 40:6; 51:16-17. Such pagan practice (even if in a pretend ritual) should be avoided by all members of Yahweh’s household.


Jesus Christ will return personally, visibly and bodily in glory to raise the dead and bring salvation and judgment to completion. Those joined to Christ by faith will be brought into fullness of eternal life and joy in Christ, but those alienated from Christ will experience eternal, conscious torment in hell. God will establish his kingdom fully with a new heaven and new earth, in which he will be glorified forever, having triumphed over all evil, suffering, and death.


Israelism Comments/Corrections:  The return of Jesus Christ?? There is nothing in the Hebrew Bible or in the Greek Bible that predicts a Second coming of Yahshua, unless you apply the coming of justice/and destruction upon the unbelieving Yahudi that came to pass by way of Rome in 70 AD. If this was as many believe, the second coming, it was one of destruction as prophesied by Yahshua in Matt. 24, and it was the ‘end of times’. . . . That is, for them i.e. the end of the Temple system by way of its destruction and the ‘end of time’ for the Yahudi priesthood’s religious system that went away with it. This event became known to First Century Israel as ‘end of the world’ in other words the end of their ‘religious Temple system’. Today the Kingdom of Yahweh dwells within the members of His family household as a renewed Covenant. Yahweh becomes as a Father to His children, to all those that accept Him, do His will, and desire to keep His renewed Covenant/Contract. Those that accept Him will strive to do His will and live righteously. Yahweh is merciful to those that become His children and will forgive and restore the sincere repentant sinner as a member of His heavenly family.

Israelism Comments/Corrections: As for the Future? ‘Come now, you who say, Today or tomorrow let’s go into this city, and spend a year there, trade, and make a profit. James 4:13. Whereas you don’t know what your life will be like tomorrow. For what is your life? For you are a vapor that appears for a little time, and then vanishes away. James 4:14. For you ought to say, if the Lord wills, we will both live, and do this or that’. James 4:15. Isaiah 55:8-9; Prov. 16:1-9; Prov. 19:21.

Israelism Comments/Corrections:  What about the Christian belief in a Hell, a place of eternal and endless suffering? The fact of a Christian Hell or everlasting fire does not exist in the Hebrew Bible. Yes, it is taught by Christianity. It may well be necessary and used for Christians to capture willing believers in the theology of modern Christianity, but is it Biblical? NO, it is a false belief. The word ‘hell’ does not appear anywhere in the original Hebrew Bible, and is an invention by men when used in the Greek writings. The Hebrew word ‘sheol’ is the word that is sometimes translated as Hell in English translations, but the word by Hebrew definition means ‘grave’ or place for the dead. It is the place where the body goes after someone dies. It is the same place for the bodies of both the good and bad. The plain fact is everyone’s body goes to the grave after death. If there was a place of ‘eternal torture’, a hell, even the wicked would have eternal life. The fact is the body of the wicked returns to dust, the soul dies, but we believe the Bible teaches that the soul of the righteous continues on to be with their Almighty Creator in the heavens.

Note: We believe that all true doctrines of belief must come from the Almighty Himself, because it is He that has revealed the information by direct inspiration through the anointed appointed Prophets of the Hebrew Bible for us. For that reason, we believe that all subsequent doctrines that have their origin or source from anything other than the Hebrew Bible must simply be man’s mortal attempt to develop their ‘thoughts’ of Yahweh. Also, such doctrines tend to be developed for control, manipulation, advantage, and/or for power in order to capture wealth for religious institutions, and to capture the human mind through 30,000 + (last count) of a diverse number of so-called ‘Christian ‘denominations. Since this is a dependable fact, it has very likely contributed to the obvious confusion and the tangled thoughts and opinions of doctrines now being promoted, and developed, most often from poor translations of the uninspired New Testament Greek Bible. This is evidence of a complete ignorance of the Hebrew Bible, which does have words of inspiration. The Hebrew Bible is the only Bible used by ‘Jesus’.

Judgment and reward according to the Hebrew Bible: Built into the heart of most individuals, in almost every society, and in most religious belief systems, we will find a sense of accountability and often a basic fundamental belief that the righteous will be rewarded and the wicked will be punished. Biblically this confirms an expectation of judgment as well: ‘Far be it from You Yahweh to do such a thing . . . treating the righteous and the wicked alike. Far be it from You! Will not the Judge (Yahweh) of all the earth do right?’(Genesis 18:25) I Yahweh search the heart and examine the mind, to reward a man according to his conduct, according to what his deeds deserve,’ (Jer. 17:10).Does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who guards your life know it? Will he not repay each person according to what he has done?’ (Proverbs 24:12). et al.

Yahweh has written his moral law or code on the hearts of all Adam-kinds by way of the renewed Covenant (10 Commandments) and by the natural scientific means to all Human beings. It is part of the natural ‘General Law’ (i.e. the scientific laws) that have been given by Yahweh to regulate and establish order. Within each there is found an inborn sense, that all will be judged in light of Yahweh’s ‘General Laws’. Yahweh is fully aware of every aspect of our lives and will overlook nothing in our judgment, except for those of the repentant sinner. Nothing in all of creation is hidden from His sight. Everything is uncovered and must lay bare before him to whom we must give account. For Yahweh will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or bad,’ Ecc. 12:14. There will be a time of judgment for everyone in the age to come, at a place and in a time known only to the Almighty Sovereign Creator Power Yahweh of all.

What Yahweh really Require? ‘How shall I come before Yahweh, and bow myself before the exalted Mighty-One? Shall I come before him with burnt offerings, with calves a year old? Mic. 6:6. Will Yahweh be pleased with thousands of rams? With tens of thousands of rivers of oil? Shall I give my firstborn for my disobedience? The fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? Mic. 6:7. He has shown you, O man, what is good. What does Yahweh require of you, but to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your Mighty-One’? Mic. 6:8.


The simplicity of having a true Biblical Belief is amazingly simple, and just. Man, by his greed to use religion against the simple, has made the Bible appear to be incomprehensible to the average mind. This is very sad because the Bible was written to the simple, and to be understood by the average individual. It is those seeking power that has made the Bible appear to be complicated.  Shalom



Prepared from the Bible to correct Christian Belief errors      https://aoycascade.comm


[1] YHWH (Hebrew) is Yahweh in English, means He-Is, He-Exists, or Ever-Living. Often mistranslated LORD in Bibles.

[2] Mighty-One(s) in English, a translation of ‘Alueim’ in Hebrew, most often mistranslated incorrectly as God’ in English.

[3] Yahshua (Greek) an English transliteration of the Hebrew, name ‘Yahweh-Saves, or Yahweh-is-Savior’ Mistranslated as Jesus.