Summary Statement of Basic Bible Beliefs
Assembly of Yahweh, Cascade, Updated Dec. 24,
The Bible teaches that there
is only One Almighty Sovereign Creator Power (G-d), Malachi 2:10; 2 Kings
19:15; Psalm 86:6-10; Isaiah 46:9, whose name is YHWH [1] (YaHWeH),
Exodus 3:14-15. Yahweh is the Ever-living Life-force Essence of the endless
eternal Universe as revealed to the ancient Hebrews by way of His celestial
messengers (angels) and by way of the anointed prophets [2] as recorded in the
Hebrew Bible. We are told that Yahweh is incorporeal and exists throughout his
created eternal Universe; that He is everywhere at all times. No mighty gods
(or evil celestial beings) exist and cannot exist before Him or after Him in
all eternity, Isaiah 43:10; 44:6; 44:8. Yahweh has always existed, Psalm 90:2,
He is set-apart; He is Eternal, Isaiah 57:15; He is Omnipotent, Jeremiah 32:17;
27; He is Omnipresent, Psalm 139:7; He is Omniscient, Psalm 139:4; 147:5;
Isaiah 46:9-10. Yahweh alone is Truth, Psalm 117:2. He is the only
Creator, and the Original Originator of all that is or that ever will be,
Isaiah 40:12; 22; 26.
The Bible
that the name of our One Almighty Sovereign Creator Power (He first gave to
Moses) is אהיה (AHYH), Exodus 3:14.
The name AHYH (using English letters) means I-am in Hebrew, but we are to sayיהוה
(YHWH), Exodus 3:15.
YHWH when transliterated to English letters is pronounced YaHWeH and means: He-is, He-exists, or Ever-living. Yahweh is the only One
Almighty to whom we must owe our reverence, our prayer, and our worship. We
must not accept any other god(s) as our One Almighty Sovereign Creator Power, Deuteronomy
5:7, [5]. We must also
not believe in the Roman Catholic manufactured three persons in the so-called
‘one god’ known as the 'Trinity’ since the Trinity
G-d is a pagan concept. Yahweh is the only One Almighty, Isaiah 45:18.
The Bible
that Yahweh uses His powerful created celestial messengers (the mighty-ones,
aka angels) for His appointed agents thoughout His endless ever-existing Universe. These
powerful celestial messengers are used even during creation, Genesis 1:1; Psalm
103:19-21; Psalm 104:4; Psalm 148:2. He also uses His terrestrial messengers
(the Hebrew prophets and the celestial messengers) to administer his will and
authority for us on the earth, Psalm 103:21. We believe Yahweh did not create
His celestial messengers with a free will to be able to counter His supreme
authority and power, nor would they ever desire to do so. It is not possible
for any of His appointed celestial messengers to fall from Yahweh’s grace and become
evil or wicked and live. In the Hebrew Bible, the celestial messengers may at
times be referred to as mighty-one(s) when they represent (or carry) the
authority and power of their Almighty Sovereign Creator Yahweh such as: when
conversing with the ‘Adam-kind’ (man-kind) on the earth, Exodus 3:2, or leading
Adam-kinds (man-kind), Exodus 23:20-21.
The Bible
that the Adam-kinds (man-kind) were created on the earth in the shadow (the
resemblance) of the celestial messengers, Genesis 1:26-27. The Adam-kinds however,
are created with a physical body of flesh and blood, with a free will. Unlike
the created celestial messengers Adam-kinds (man-kind) cannot manifest
themselves in various forms as do the created celestial messengers, who do not
have free will. The Adam-kinds (man-kind) were not, and could not be created in
the shadow (or resemblance) of their Almighty Creator Yahweh because He is inconceivable
and incorporeal. Throughout many English translations the word ‘G-d’ (when used
throughout Genesis, as in Genesis 1:26-27) is often incorrectly translated from
the Hebrew word ‘Alueim’ which in English means ‘mighty-ones’ (using the plural
spelling), or ‘mighty-one’ when using the singular spelling.
The Bible
that Yahweh, because of His mercy freely forgives the sins of Adam-kinds who
after sincere repentance for sin accept Him as their only Redeemer and Savior,
Isaiah 1:16-18, [6]. For their thankfulness the saved will observe Yahweh's
Covenant (the 10 Commandments) and will strive to do the will of their now
Almighty Heavenly Father, [7]. Yahshua (aka Jesus) calls those that like him do
the will of his father Yahweh his brothers, sisters, and mother, Matthew 12:50,
[8]. Like Yahshua is a son of the Almighty Sovereign Creator Father Yahweh,
these believers also become the sons and daughters of the same heavenly Father.
Bible teaches
that the promise of eternal life is given to all believers that become members
of Yahweh's heavenly household. This is promised because they have strived to
do what Yahweh asks of them for what is good, by doing justly, by loving mercy,
and therefore they will continue to ‘walk humbly’ (a metaphor) with their
Almighty Sovereign Creator Heavenly Father Yahweh. Micah 6:6-8, [9].
The Bible teaches that the
precepts and principles found in Torah [10] were also those taught by the
Prophet Yahshua (aka Jesus)
Matthew 7:21, [11]. The precepts and principles from the Hebrew Bible follow
his teachings as recorded in the Synoptic Gospels [12] of the Greek New
Testament (NT). Torah instructions are not Law, but are guides to what any
father would provide to his children throughout life. We believe that the
Covenant (the 10 Commandments), Deuteronomy 5:2-22, [13] remains applicable for
all True believers. The man-made sacrificial laws however, were not
instructions given by Yahweh,
7:22-23, [14].
The Bible teaches the entire
NT is a collection of opinions, conjecture, and hearsay. All of the Gospels
were compiled by unknown authors many decades after the events they received
may have occurred. Some historical events recorded about the prophet Yahshua
may be believable, and some of his sayings or teachings may be true, but they
are all from unknown second or third hand recollections. We should only accept
them when they also follow the precepts or principles that were established by
the anointed Prophets in the Hebrew Bible. How to test
prophets Note: The statement translated in 2 Timothy 3:16, is often falsely
translated in English Bibles (by the addition of the word ‘is’).
Nothing written in the NT is claimed to have been inspired by Yahweh. All of
the writings made ‘or claimed’ to have been made by the Pharisee named
Paul/Saul are private opinions since he/they never even met the prophet
Yahshua, and wrote their letters many years after his death.
The Bible teaches Yahshua (aka
Jesus) of the NT was a 'natural born' Israelite man, (Romans 1:3) an anointed
prophet sent by Yahweh to the Lost Tribes of First Century Israel, Matthew
15:24, [15]. His mission was to preach repentance before Yahweh; to baptize and
to announce the Gospel news - that the Kingdom (council) of Yahweh/of heaven
had come, Matthew 4:17, [16]. That the Kingdom of Yahweh was available for them
as it is for us today to dwell within all true believers [17]. Yahshua
is not Yahweh the Almighty Sovereign Creator Power. Yahshua is not a part of a
trinity, and he was not a human sacrifice so Yahweh would forgive sins,
Jeremiah 7:22; Isaiah 1:11. Human sacrifice was a pagan practice that is
strictly forbidden by Yahweh, Psalm 106:37-41; Jeremiah 7:31.
The Bible teaches Yahshua's
Mission was to free the First Century Israelites from the religious traditions
and manmade oral laws that had enslaved the people; he came to guide the people
back toward their One Original Almighty Sovereign Creator Yahweh, Mark 7:9,
[18]. His message was for the people; for them to return to their Almighty
Yahweh as counsel for their lives, and to serve Him only. This angered the
local religious authorities and became a constant threat to the rulers of his day,
Mark 3:6. This eventually resulted in Yahshua’s execution by the Roman
officials for the false claimed crime of sedition, Matthew 12:14, [19].
Bible teaches
that Yahshua was resurrected from the dead by Yahweh (according to the Gospels)
and subsequently ascended into heaven because he was faithful to his mission.
During his execution, some believed Yahshua was a son of G-d, Mark 15:39. We do
not believe that the Bible teaches in a future second coming of Yahshua as a
‘physical earthly’ King. Yahshua always taught the Kingdom of Yahweh, but did
not teach followers about his ‘heavenly’ kingdom. An understood ‘second coming’
claim by some of his followers, would very likely have already occurred,
because the NT record records - that he told some of his followers they would
still be alive to see him come into his ‘heavenly’ kingdom, Matthew
16:28, [20].
there is one global collective set-apart Universal family of all True Bible
Believers, and for the gathering together of home-group assemblies for worship,
fellowship, and communication on weekly appointed times, to observe the seventh
day of rest for our benefit, Deuteronomy 5:12-14, [21]. We attempt to promote
these simple Basics of Biblical belief to all who are looking for truth without
becoming enslaved to ancient false and deceptive Christian Creeds. We keep
(when possible) the Biblical food laws for our health since Yahweh tells us
from the Hebrew Bible the foods we should not be eating. Praise Yahweh!
See our extended Statement
[1] Yahweh, the
Almighty Sovereign Creator. He is above all and to whom only we owe our
reverence and worship.
G-d,’ see Deut.
6:4; Jer. 10:10; Matt. 27:46; Mark 12:29. Visit:
[2] Deut.
13:1-2, Deut. 13:3, Deut. 18:18-22. Visit:
See also: Psalm 96:1-13. Matt. 22:36-40.
See also: Isaiah 55:6-7. Ezekiel
[10] Torah is the totality of
instructions found throughout the Hebrew Bible that Yahweh as Father gave to the
ancient Israelites for righteous living. Visit:
[12] Synoptic
Gospels - are the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke that tell the story of the
mission of Yahshua, about his life, and quote him from a similar point of view,
and are similar in structure. This is likely because all three unknown authors
built their gospel using a common source. Matthew and Luke may have used
materials not available to early Mark. We do not give any reliable credit to
the 2nd century Gospel called John that has falsely spiritualized
Jesus into a g-d man. In the Synoptic Gospels Yahshua referred to himself as
the son of man many times, but never as G-d the son.
[13] See also: Exodus 20: 1-17.
[14] Jer. 7:21-23, Isaiah.
[16] See also: Matt. 4:23. Visit:
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reserved, Assembly of Yahweh, Cascade