About our Assembly

Christianity has left Biblical monotheism some 1,700 years ago. Most have forgotten
Yahweh the Almighty Creator-Father, though He, the Path to Him, and to enter into His Kingdom
for eternal life was the primary purpose of Yahshua’s (aka Jesus’) message in the Greek New Testament.

Remember the former things of old: for I am the Almighty, and there is none else; I am Almighty, and there is none like me; declaring the end from the beginning,
and from ancient times things that are not yet done; saying,
My counsel shall stand,and I will do all my pleasure.
Isaiah 6:9-10.

About this site

About the Author of this site
Who we are, why this site

In this site we use the proper personal Divine Name of YHWH (Yahweh) the One Almighty Sovereign Creator Power and Life-Force Essence 'God' of all that was, is, and will ever be. We explain the nature of Yahweh and of His Essence (aka Holy Spirit), and what the Hebrew Bible teaches about the six ages of creation; the various races and their interaction with Adamic man.
The "gif" displays YHWH's name from ancient Hebrew into modern Hebrew. Please Note: The taggable Bible links below uses a poor translated word 'LORD' to replace the proper Hebrew name YHWH and a poor translated word 'God' to replace the Hebrew word ALUEIM meaning Mighty-One. The Hebrew name of our Almighty-One YHWH is written as Yahweh in English and means: "He-Is, He-Exists, or Ever-Living". Yahweh is the only true name of the One Almighty Sovereign Creator Power Life-Force Essence of all that is and will ever be.

Israelism is
the pre-Babylonian Belief that developed under Moses, coming from the Almighty Sovereign Yahweh, as He revealed it through inspiration to the ancient anointed true Israelite Prophets. The proven prophets then faithfully recorded Yahweh's revealed word to them in the Hebrew Bible. It is also important to understand that the Almighty Sovereign Yahweh always uses His celestial beings (angel messengers) members of Yahweh's created heavenly host) when communicating as if "face to face" with earthly beings (adam-man), Isaiah 45:18-22. These appointed messengers have been given authority (and power) to serve the Almighty Sovereign Creator Yahweh. Because of this authority these messengers are sometimes addressed, or referenced also as 'He-is' by the earthly beings. Yahshua (aka Jesus) the First Century Prophet of the Greek writings alsways taught Israelism (aka Yahwism)

The Bible does not teach anything like a pagan Trinity God.
"That they may know that You whose name is Yahweh is the Most High over all the earth." Psalms 83:18. See also: Deuteronomy 4:35,39; Isaiah 43:10-11; 44:8; 45:5-6; 45:18; 46:9-10, Jeremiah 10:10; Jeremiah 16:19-21." Hear, Israel: Yahweh (YHWH) is our Mighty-One. Yahweh is One." Deuteronomy 6:4.

About True Israel - True Israelites

Understanding the difference between Jews, Yahudi, and Israelites

True Biblical Israel or Israelites are not religious Jews, therefore the religious belief of Israelism is not Jewish. Judaism is a post Babylon religion that evolved from and includes the Talmude, oral traditions, and the mystic Kaballa. Israelism is a pre-Babylonian religion based only on the precepts and principles in the Tan'akh (Hebrew Bible) as also taught by the prophet Yahshua (aka Jesus) of the Greek New Testament (NT) writings. True Israelites worship only Yahweh, the One Almighty Sovereign Creator Life-Force Essence of all that was, is, and will ever exist. The theology of True Israelism is also called Yahwism the belief taught and held by Yahshua.
The Assembly of Yahweh, Cascade does not accept the self-appointed Pharisee Paul/Saul of the NT as a chosen Apostle and reject him whenever his opinions deviate from the clear teaching of Yahshua and The Hebrew Bible. We explain True Israel, and Israelism in our study Documents and other essential Biblical truths you may not know, but are clearly taught in the Hebrew Bible. Also See:
Yahwism vs Christianity

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Mount Vernon, WA 98274

Copyright: A.O.Y., Cascade 2025

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