Biblical Israelism and Yahwism

Israelism is distinct from the polytheism of pagan nations and is NOT Judaism, or Christianity. The name
Yahwism comes from YHWH (Hebrew) English (Yahweh) the name of the Almighty that He gave to
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob/Israel and Moses,
Exodus 3:15-16.

As for our Redeemer, Yahweh of hosts is His name, the Holy One of Israel. Isaiah 47:4

Compare a typical Christian Statement of Belief, Biblically corrected by us here
For information, Here are the current Three Basic Beliefs of Judaism here

Understand the the term Yahwism-Yahwist here

By accepting and keeping the 10 Commandments (the Covenant) Yahweh made with Biblical Israel, and by repentance a "genetic" Israelite or a stranger a (non-genetic Israelite) can become a "True" redeemed Israelite and a member of Yahweh's eternal everlasting household, Isaiah 56. This belief was also held by the prophet Yahshua (Jesus), and by all of his chosen Disciple, Mark 10:17-19. Disobedience to the Covenant keeps one an outcast from the family of Yahweh. The outcast condition remains until there is a sincere repentance before Yahweh, and a return by the violator toward keeping of the Covenant.

Originally, a Coat of Arms or Ensign for each individual Ancient Israelite Tribe, Numbers 2:1-2 developed following the blessings of Jacob/Israel as he prophesied over each of his 12 sons before he died. Various objects, animals, or a son's characteristics were represented as symbols or ensigns, Genesis 4.
Click here to view samples of Ensigns/Heraldry of the tribes Similar symbols can still be used today to locate the original descendants of the Ancient True Israelites now scattered over the entire globe and innumerable. The tribes of True Israel are still considered lost, a result of the first dispersion into ancient Assyria since 721 BCE ending the Northern Kingdom. A second dispersion into ancient Babylonia-Persia 587 BCE ended the Southern Kingdom. The Ancient symbols are still found in the Ensigns and flags of many Governments of the Caucasian Nations of Western Europe, America, and countries founded by descendants of the Ancient Israelites.

The Biblical Almighty Creator Yahweh explained

Yahweh (YHWH) is a Monocracy, as there is nothing higher or above Him. He is Father-Creator of everything, and the invisible One who is above everything, who dwells in pure light, who no eye can see. He is the Life-force Essence that permeates throughout all of His Creation, the Universe. We cannot think of Him as you would think of something physical, like an element, or anything similar, yet everything exists in Him and for Him. He is not limitable since there was nothing prior to Him to limit Him. He is immeasurable, since there was no one prior to Him to measure Him. He is eternal, because He has always existed eternally. There is no way to tell His quantity because He is not contained in time. He is a Life-force Essence because only through Him can any life exist. He is a blessed-giving blessed One. He is a wisdom-giving wisdom One. He is a salvation-giving Life Giver. He is motionless and He resides in calm and silence, but at all times is everywhere. He utilizes His Creation and His appointed created beings (His heavenly host) to communicate with His Creation. He is the Original-Originator of all Life.

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