We are believers of the original Hebrew Biblical beliefs taught by Yahshua (Jesus) in the Greek Writings of the Synoptic Gospels of Mathew, Mark and Luke
Like Yahshua (Jesus) we only use the Hebrew Bible as the foundation for our belief. We use the Greek New Testament, to compare what Yahshua and his true Apostles taught. Israelism is NOT Christianity.
In this site we use the proper Biblical personal Divine Name YHWH (Yahweh) of the One Almighty Sovereign Creator Power and Life-Force Essence 'God' of all that was, is, and will ever be. Yahweh is the Original-Originator of the Endless Eternal Universe as was revealed to the ancient Hebrew prophets and through the appointed celestial messengers (aka angels) in the Hebrew Bible. We teach about the nature of Yahweh and of His Essence (Holy Spirit). We explain what the Hebrew Bible teaches about sin, redemption, and forgiveness. We explain the importance of the Covenant (10 Commandments) and that this Covenant now passes to all those who become part of Yahweh's family by keeping the same Covenant by repentance. We show and teach that human sacrifice is pagan and condemned by the Almighty. We teach about the Assembly of Yahweh - True Israel and its responsibility among all the nations.
It is our mission to restore the original Biblical beliefs as found only in the Hebrew Bible and as taught by the anointed prophet Yahshua (Jesus), and his 'chosen Apostles'. We analyse existing Christian Doctrines and beliefs using the Hebrew Bible and then we show where these beliefs have drifted away from the actual teachings of Yahshua and the Hebrew Bible. We apply culture, exegesis, proper etymology and accurate English definitions to determine the correct understanding of the inspired writings of the anointed proven Hebrew prophets. In this manner we hope to bring believers into 'fellowship' and members of the Household of Yahweh. Please review our Summary-Statement-of-Belief-here. Our 'Statement of belief' will not be found or taught by any modern Christian Church or Jewish Organization. Why not? Because we will only stand on the solid foundation found in the writings of the Hebrew Bible prophets. This information was also supported by the quotations of the prophet Yahshua found in the Greek New Testament (NT). We will not rely upon traditions, private opinions, or NT teachings even if interesting, unless they are also in harmony with and supported by the writings of the anointed proven Hebrew prophets, Deuteronomy 4:2, See: Basics to Study the Bible .